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America's Dangerous Movement Toward Oligarchy, Authoritarianism and Kleptocracy

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You Can’t Post Your Way Out of Fascism



Authoritarians and tech CEOs now share the same goal: to keep us locked in an eternal doomscroll instead of organizing against them, Janus Rose writes.

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They Thought They Were Free, by Milton Mayer, an Excerpt

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Donald Trump’s data purge has begun

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Donald Trump’s data purge has begun submitted by /u/whatsyoursalary to r/technology
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“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book has been rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street and building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And that process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.” - George Orwell, 1984.
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Trump orders military to flood California

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What’s happening here is that an extremely stupid and ignorant man who doesn’t understand anything about any of this, and who is getting even more erratic as he approaches his eighties, is issuing insane orders to the US military, which is following them because he happens to be president of the United States, and therefore he’s at the top of their chain of command.

Trump administration officials began releasing significant amounts of water from two dams in California’s Central Valley on Friday in a move that seemed intended to make a political point as President Trump continued to falsely blame the Los Angeles wildfires on water policies in the Democratic-run state.

The releases, as ordered, have sent water toward low-lying land in the Central Valley, and none of it will reach Southern California, water experts said. Nonetheless, President Trump said on Friday that the same action would have prevented the Los Angeles wildfires on the other side of mountain ranges over which that water has no way of traveling.

“Photo of beautiful water flow that I just opened in California,” President Trump posted on Friday on social media in an apparent reference to the dam releases. “Everybody should be happy about this long fought Victory! I only wish they listened to me six years ago — There would have been no fire!”

Experts expressed dismay on Friday that releasing so much water now served little use for farmers, who typically have higher irrigation needs in the spring and summer months when agricultural fields are abundant.

State and federal officials do release some water from dams before storms to make room for incoming flows, and moderate precipitation is expected in the region over the next 72 hours. But it is a delicately choreographed effort, and water managers usually try to release as little water as possible to ensure there will be enough supplies for farmers and residents later in the year. They also need to ensure that communities below the dams are not overwhelmed by water.

“I’ve never seen them do this, other than in a major flood,” said Robert Thayer, a supervisor in Kings County, which is downstream of the Tulare County dams.

The episode appeared to arise from an abrupt order by the Trump administration to “maximize” water supplies in California after the president made a series of spurious claims about the state’s water policies. The president’s social media post said that 1.6 billion gallons of water was being released in California on the first day; federal data showed on Friday that increased water releases from Terminus Dam at Lake Kaweah and Schafer Dam at Lake Success would total roughly that amount by day’s end.

Since the fires began on Jan. 7, the president has charged, falsely, that Gov. Gavin Newsom of California could solve water shortages in Southern California with the turn of a valve if California were less concerned about endangered fish species. He has said incorrectly that California has access to great amounts of water from the Pacific Northwest and Canada, even though there is no pipeline that flows from the state’s northern neighbors.

Mr. Trump has repeatedly said this month that the fires could have been extinguished had the governor released more water from the north.

So Trump is trying to flood the Central Valley to put out fires in Los Angeles, which is on the other side of a very large mountain range, and where the fires are pretty much already out.

Responding to questions about the reasons for the sudden increase in water flow, Gene Pawlik, a spokesperson at the Corps’ headquarters in Washington, said in an email that the action was “consistent with the direction” in Trump’s recent executive order to enact “emergency measures to provide water resources” in California.

Pawlik said the Army Corps was releasing water from the dams “to ensure California has water available to respond to the wildfires.” It was not immediately clear how or where the federal government intends to transport the water.

The tone of the last sentence is going to come in handy over the next four years, for journalists who would like to keep their jobs and possibly their freedom.

Let’s check in on the Maximum Leader’s comments:


Donald J. Trump


Photo of beautiful water flow that I just opened in California. Today, 1.6 billion gallons and, in 3 days, it will be 5.2 billion gallons. Everybody should be happy about this long fought Victory! I only wish they listened to me six years ago – There would have been no fire!





Jan 31, 2025, 4:36 PM

I think my friend Steve pretty much nails this one:

Would love a deep dive report tracing this Mad King order from the top.

Did everybody/anybody down the chain convey the obvious fact that this water release was at best useless, at worst harmful, and would not/could not ever get to Southern California, where it was not needed anyway? It’s not an illegal order, and it’s the military, so they followed it, but it’s not like there isn’t feedback. These aren’t automatons.

We’ve had many discussions about whether Trump believes his own BS, and what that even means. This time I think he really does believe it, and the chain of command snapped to. The emperor commanded the sun to come up in the west and the Corps built a giant floodlamp. “I did it!” says the emperor.

This apparently came through Hegseth, so this is one consequence of confirming lickspittles.

No adults in the room this time around kiddies!

This isn’t some eleventydimensional propaganda campaign: Trump believes what he’s saying, because the central fact about him is that he’s a complete idiot. What happens when he really does order the Air Force to nuke a hurricane next fall?

At this rate I’m going to end up with decidedly mixed feelings about a military coup, assuming some uniformed patriots eventually decide to rid us of this turbulent moron.

“Everyone says he is crazy – which maybe he is – but the scarier thing about him is that he is stupid. You do not know anyone as stupid as Donald Trump. You just don’t.”

Fran Lebowitz seven years ago.

I guess my caveat to this wise dictum is that I have come to know the marginal American voter.

The post Trump orders military to flood California appeared first on Lawyers, Guns & Money.

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6 days ago
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North Carolina Dems Denounce ‘Astonishing’ State Supreme Court Move To Block Certification Of Dem Victory - TPM – Talking Points Memo


Democrats and voting rights groups are sounding the alarm after the North Carolina Supreme Court on Tuesday blocked the state election board from certifying the Democratic winner of a Supreme Court race. 

The court will decide in coming weeks whether to throw out tens of thousands of votes and thereby overturn the result of the Democratic incumbent justice’s victory.  

In a Wednesday statement, Embry Owens, spokesperson for the Democratic incumbent Justice Allison Riggs’ campaign, blasted state appeals court Judge Jefferson Griffin, Riggs’ challenger, for refusing to accept his electoral defeat. 

“Judge Jefferson Griffin has not just refused to concede–he has taken the astonishing step of seeking to toss the ballots of more than 60,000 legal North Carolina voters.”

Both voting rights groups and Democratic state lawmakers are also criticizing Republicans’ on the state Supreme Court over the decision — and the conflict of interest presented by the court temporarily blocking the certification of an election that will decide who sits on that very court. 

“They’re basically stealing this election,” Nicole Quick, head Government Relations associate at the non-partisan Carolina Forward, said in an interview with TPM. “It’s terrifying.”

“This is a clear case of the fox guarding the henhouse and only serves to further erode public trust in our courts,” Democratic State Rep Pricey Harrison told TPM. “The voters he is challenging voted following current election laws, including the requirement to show photo ID at the polls. There is no evidence that any of these voters are not legitimately registered, and Jefferson Griffin’s attempts to change the rules after the election because he lost does not change that fact.”

On Tuesday, in a 4-2 order, the GOP-dominated state Supreme Court temporarily blocked the North Carolina State Board of Elections from certifying Democratic incumbent Riggs as the winner in the state Supreme Court race. One Democratic justice and one Republican justice dissented. 

The order allows the state Supreme Court to hear Griffin’s challenge, which seeks to toss out 60,000 votes from the November election over registration issues, in an attempt to steal the election from Riggs.

DNC Chair Jaime Harrison called Tuesday’s decision and the events that preceded it “craven attacks on North Carolina voters” and “an affront to this country’s foundational values of democracy and the rule of law.” 

Riggs, who recused herself from the matter, currently leads against Republican Jefferson Griffin by 734 votes. Two recounts have also affirmed Riggs as the apparent winner of the race. 

The majority of the 60,000 votes are being challenged because the voters allegedly had incomplete voter registration on file and are either missing the last four digits of their Social Security numbers or drivers license on their voter files. But any legitimate problems with these votes, as TPM has previously reported, would have been identified and resolved in the last couple of years, and not after the election. 

“If the State Supreme Court proceeds to grant either a new election or some other remedy that’s being sought by Judge Griffin, that would open up a vast number of election protests like this after every election,” Ann Webb, Policy Director with Common Cause North Carolina, told TPM. “It would make it very difficult for our state to ever get to finality in our elections whenever a candidate has the resources like Judge Griffin does to pursue this kind of post-election change-the-rules strategy.”

The case has bounced around between courts since Griffin first challenged the 60,000 votes early last month. 

In December, the State Board of Elections rejected Griffin’s challenge. In response, Griffin took the case to the state Supreme Court. Attorneys for the Board of Elections responded by removing the case to federal court. 

This week, though, a federal judge remanded the case back to the state Supreme Court, prompting the State Board of Elections and Riggs to appeal the remand decision. On Wednesday, Riggs asked the Fourth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to “expedite review and resolve” the case. The case is still unsettled with an appeal currently pending in the Forth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.

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